Career Development Fellow
Department of Psychology, University of Oxford
My work focuses on understanding how our past experiences and memories guide attention and behavior. I am specifically interested in how we may proactively use memories from different time scales (short & long-term) and from different dimensions (spatial, temporal, & identity) to guide ongoing behavior. To understand these processes I use a combination of psychophysical methods with non-invasive brain imaging techniques.
I am currently a Career Development Fellow in the Department of experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford. I am also a Stipendiary Lecturer at St Anne's College, University of Oxford, and a Junior Research Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford.
Formerly, I was a post-doc in Kia Nobre's Brain and Cognition Lab at the University of Oxford, with whom I held the EPS Postdoctoral fellowship. I completed my PhD in 2020 in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford. Before coming to Oxford, I received my Masters in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience from Goethe University of Frankfurt where I worked in Melissa Võ's Scene Grammar Lab. I completed my BSc at the University of Delaware where I worked in James Hoffman's Visual Cognition Lab. Following my BSc, I worked for two years as a research assistant in Jeremy Wolfe's Visual Attention Lab.
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